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Editions Bénédictines

Prayers of the Saints for souls in Purgatory

Prayers of the Saints for souls in purgatory, realized in collaboration with the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Montligeon. Publication date: August 201160 pages, 10.5 × 18 cm, 60 gr.ISBN : 978-2-84863-015-1Publisher : Editions BénédictinesBook only in French
To pray with Mary at the foot of the cross.Publication date: August 201148 pages, 10.5 x 18 cm, 55 gISBN : 978-2-84863-058-8Benedictine EditionsBook in French only
Booklet recounting the life and actions of St. Francis of Paola accompanied by various prayers.Release date: August 2009Preface by Mgr Dominique Rey72 pages, 10,5 x 20 cm, 90 grISBN: 978-2-84863-086-1Benedictine EditionsBook in French only
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